
To register an entry, please submit an online application:

The following documents shall be uploaded via the online entry form:
1. Proposal Form
2. Proof of Payment
3. Scanned Copies of Identification Documents of All Team Members
(i.e. passport or identity card)
4. Approval and Endorsement Form

Deadline of registration: 27 January 2025 28 February 2025


CategoryEntry Fee
Local Category 1 - Creating New Product, Process or Technology BND 80
Local Category 2 - Modifying Existing Product, Process or Technology BND 80
Local Category 3 - Creating New or Modifying Existing Product, Process or Technology by Young Inventors BND 40
Smart Junior Competition BND 20
ASEAN New Invention & Innovation Category USD 200
ASEAN Young Inventor Category USD 100

For local categories, fees can be paid in cheque (payable to Universiti Teknologi Brunei) / debit or credit cards (at UTB’s Finance Office only) / bank transfer.

For ASEAN categories, fees should be made by bank transfer or telegraphic transfer to Universiti Teknologi Brunei.

Payment by cheque or debit/credit cards can be made at:
Finance Section
First floor, Administration Block
Universiti Teknologi Brunei
Lebuhraya Tungku, Gadong BE1410, Brunei Darussalam

Payment details for bank transfer or telegraphic transfer are as below:
Account Name : Tabung Universiti Teknologi Brunei
Account Number : 00-001-01-0045184
Bank Name : Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD)
Bank Address : Lot 159, Jalan Pemancha, Bandar Seri Begawan BS8711, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Swift Code : BIBDBNBB

During payment, the payee needs to state his/her name and state that the payment is for CIPTA. A copy of slip or bank advice of telegraphic transfer must be submitted with the entry form.

For any inquiries, please contact CIPTA2025 Secretariat at <>.